Mississauga Scooter Lessons
About Mississauga Scooter Lessons
Our Mississauga Scooter Lessons operate out of Iceland Skatepark in May and June. Camper's are dropped off at the park and work side by side with our qualified coaches on their scooter riding skills!
The scooter lesson plans are designed for boys & girls aged 6-14 of all levels, ranging from beginner to intermediate. We ensure that kids are being challenged, engaged and can make the most of their time with us, regardless of their initial skill level.
Our lesson programs are designed as 4 week consecutive programs, allowing participants to develop new skills at a progressive rate.
Location, Dates & Pricing
For Spring 2017 our Mississauga Scooter Lessons takes place on Mondays in May and Sundays in June at Iceland Park, located at 705 Matheson Blvd E.
** Program cancellations may occur if minimum registration is unavailable **
Equipment Needed For Scooter Lessons
Proper equipment is needed for our scooter lessons to be safe and successful. Here is a list of equipment you will need for your child to attend our lesson programs:
A scooter
Knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards
A scooter helmet (bicycle or hockey helmets not are not allowed)
Lunch & water bottle
**Purchase your gear now from our camp store**